CIRS 2023 Annual Report
We're delighted to present our latest Annual Report, which provides a summary of the projects, publications, multi-stakeholder workshops and Technical Fora from Regulatory and HTA workstreams undertaken in 2023. [...]
We're delighted to present our latest Annual Report, which provides a summary of the projects, publications, multi-stakeholder workshops and Technical Fora from Regulatory and HTA workstreams undertaken in 2023. [...]
We're delighted to present our latest Annual Report, which provides a summary of the projects, publications and Multi-stakeholder Workshops, Technical Fora, Industry Discussion Meetings, and Impact Case Studies from [...]
We're delighted to present our latest Annual Report, which provides a summary of CIRS projects, publications and workshops undertaken last year as well as case studies depicting CIRS’ impact [...]
We're delighted to present our latest Annual Report, which provides a summary of CIRS projects and workshops undertaken in 2020 as well as case studies depicting CIRS’ impact on [...]
We're delighted to present the inaugural CIRS Annual Report, which provides a summary of projects and workshops undertaken in 2019, as well as a historical perspective of CIRS achievements [...]