
CIRS is governed by its own dedicated advisory boards made up of external international experts from academia, industry, regulatory agencies and HTA bodies.

The Scientific Advisory Council (SAC) and HTA Steering Committee advise CIRS on workshops, special projects, publications as well as the research programme, to ensure neutrality and that the areas are unbiased and the programme meets the needs to all stakeholders. The selection of Committee Members and Chairs is set out in the Terms of Reference of each committee.

Scientific Advisory Council (SAC)
Chair: Adjunct Prof John Skerritt Enterprise Professor, Health Research Impact at the University of Melbourne, Australia and an Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Medicine and Health of the University of Sydney, Australia
Vice-Chair: Prof Hans-Georg Eichler Consulting Physician of the Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions
Dr Claus Bolte Chief Medical Officer, Swissmedic
Dr Harald Enzmann Chair, European Medicines Agency (EMA) Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP)
Prof John Lim Executive Director of Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE), Duke-NUS Medical School and Chairman, Consortium for Clinical Research & Innovation, Singapore
Dr Theresa Mullin Director, Office of Strategic Programs, US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Dr Brian O’Rourke Former CEO and President, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)
Dr Charles Preston Senior Program Officer, Regulatory Affairs , Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA
Karen Reynolds Director General, Pharmaceutical Drugs Directorate, Health Canada
Dr Xie Songmei Director of Clinical Department Center for Drug Evaluation, National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), China
Dr Steffen Thirstrup Chief Medical Officer, EMA
Naoyuki Yasuda Associate Executive Director for International Programs, Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA), Japan
Dr Fabio Bisordi Global Head International Regulatory Policy, Roche
Donna Boyce Senior Vice President, Global Regulatory Sciences, Pfizer
Jeffery Francer Vice President, Head of Global Regulatory Policy & Strategy, Eli Lilly & Company
Dr Jacques Mascaro Senior Vice President, Oncology Regulatory Science, Strategy and Excellence, AstraZeneca
Eddie Reilly Chief Regulatory Officer, Sanofi
Dr Katrin Rupalla Global Head Regulatory Affairs, J&J Innovative Medicines, USA
Jerry Stewart Vice President, Regulatory Policy & Advocacy Head, GlaxoSmithKline
Natalie Tolli Vice President, Regulatory Affairs (Regulatory International, Regulatory Policy & Intelligence), Abbvie
Dr Max Wegner Senior Vice President, Head of Regulatory Affairs, Bayer
Anna Somuyiwa Head, CIRS
Dr Neil McAuslane Director, CIRS
Prof Stuart Walker Founder and Senior Advisor, CIRS
Specialist Advisors
Dr David Jeffreys Senior Regulatory Strategy, Product Development, Health care and Patient Safety Consultant, Jefferys Consulting Ltd
Dr Thomas Lönngren Independent Strategy Advisor, PharmaExec Consulting Filial SE, Sweden, and Former Executive Director, EMA
Dr Murray Lumpkin Deputy Director, Integrated Development, and Lead for Global Regulatory Systems Initiatives, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Prof Mamoru Narukawa Professor, Pharmaceutical Medicine, Kitasato University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Japan
Dr Tomas Salmonson Partner, Consilium Salmonson & Hemmings and Former Chair, CHMP/EMA
Dr Joseph Scheeren Former President and CEO, Critical Path Institute
HTA Steering Committee  
Chair: Dr Brian O’Rourke Former CEO and President, CADTH, Canada
Vice-Chair: Dr Nick Crabb Chief Scientific Officer, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), UK
Dr Michael Coory Medical Advisor, Technology Access and Assessment Division, Commonwealth Department of Health, Australia
Prof Hans-Georg Eichler Consulting Physician of the Association of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions
Dr Wim Goettsch Professor of HTA, Utrecht University and Special Advisor HTA, National Health Care Institute (ZIN), The Netherlands
Niklas Hedberg Chief Pharmacist, Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV), Sweden
Suzanne McGurn CEO and President, Canada’s Drug Agency
Dr Detlev Parow Former Head, Department of Medicines, Medical Remedies and Selective Contracts, DAK – Gesundheit, German
Dr Anja Schiel Special Adviser, Lead Methodologist in Regulatory and Pharmacoeconomic Statistics, Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA); Vice-Chair JSC (EUnetHTA21)
Dr Indranil Bagchi Global Head, Pricing & Market Access, GSK
Lucia D’Apote Executive Director of ELMAC & JAPAC within Global Regulatory and R&D Policy, Amgen
Ramiro Gilardino Global HTA & Access Policy Lead – Global Market Access, MSD
Adrian Griffin Vice President for HTA Policy, Johnson & Johnson
Dr Adam Heathfield Senior Director, Patient and Health Impact Innovation Centre, Pfizer
Dr Antonia Morga Senior Director, Global HEOR and HTA Strategy Lead, Astellas
Dr Vanessa Elisabeth Schaub Global Access Chapter Lead for Evidence, Roche
Prof Finn Børlum Kristensen Professor of Health Services Research and HTA, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark and Former Director and Chair of EUnetHTA Executive Committee
Prof Andrew Mitchell Honorary Professor, The Australian National University
Dr Dan Ollendorf Chief Scientific Officer and Director of HTA Methods and Engagement, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER), USA
Prof Lotte Steuten Deputy Chief Executive, Office of Health Economics, UK
Dr Sean Tunis Principal, Rubix Health, USA
Anna Somuyiwa Head, CIRS
Dr Neil McAuslane Director, CIRS
Dr Tina Wang Senior Manager, HTA Programme and Strategic Partnerships